There will be valleys. When we engage in an activity we're good at, we feel good, too. Find a hobby! . We tend to take the good things for granted and don't focus enough on what's going well. 1. 3. Be curious about how it feels, physically. As the years went on, I was living life against all the values I believed in. You'll end up being misunderstood more regularly as a result. First, it's important to understand why you're feeling hate. Self-reflection, mindfulness and awareness are important aspects of living a fulfilled and satisfied life. Circumstances can certainly make life unhappy. If you rarely use your strengths, you're not as happy as you could be. 4. Feeling like you have no say in the things going on in your life isn't nice and it can drive us into some really irrational behavior. That's what severe depression can look like, and it's a terrible and potentially deadly illness. Find time to pursue your passion. 5. It's natural to feel unhappy from time to time. 1. - Dissociation is lingo for a state of being where we don't feel safe and present and integrated. My parents homeschool me for some reason (Im 16) and I hate it. Can't take care of themselves or others. Change whatever you can on your . Not taking responsibility. Hydrate the body. Try choosing to be your own best friend, rather than your worst . I chose to stay blind to this for a very long time. My two-year-old is obsessed with blankets. Change your thoughts, and you change your life. Everyone wants to be liked, unless you are some kind of sociopath or psychopath. Be Happy!". Recognize which parts of your life are in your control. This will build -=CONFIDENCE=-, which is your dating ammo. You. Not everything is within your control, unfortunately. 2. Volunteer work is an excellent way to branch out, meet new people, and contribute something positive to the world. 4. God Himself satisfies us ( Psalm 90:14; 103:2-5; 107:9 ). I'd always wanted to be an artist ever since I was a little girl and had planned on doing an art degree. 7. When you find yourself having disparaging thoughts or fixating on other people's accomplishments and comparing yourself, Kahn suggested practicing this exercise: Take a deep breath, imagining . You might not know what it is, but there's something that doesn't feel right. This place is for all those dreamers and beautiful souls who are in the midst of some kind of dilemma or who got stuck in between the do's and don'ts of life in personal or professional front. I have been able to dissect some of the reasons I believe that is true. It can be easier to ignore the failing relationship, the friends that don't make you feel good, the job that's sucking your soul, and so on. What You Say: 'I Hate My Coworkers' The Real Reason: The problem might not be the people but rather the culture of the organization. Choose self-love. ". You think that people should like you. In fact ignoring personal values is behind many a midlife crisis and nervous breakdown . 2. So long as you are alive, you will be 'manifesting' and feeling better now, regardless of what you have, or don't have, will have zero downside to this, I promise. Requests to move desks if you have too, find a way to not be around them if they are causing you this much pain and stress. - It can range from a slight numbness in some parts of the body to feeling . "People Can Read My Mind" This expectation is particularly problematic in romantic relationships. With regard to your relationship, you're probably feeling the emotion of sadness in some form. Relationships are where we are most challenged in life. Blame someone or something else and basically, everything remains the same and you still feel dissatisfied, OR. The lack of worry can certainly create happiness! Ask yourself why you're unhappy. 1. We feel powerful, self-confident, in control, and happy. Chief among these is the desire to exert control over our . So, choose today whom you will serve ( Joshua 24:15 ). Change that area of your life (i.e. Everything, including our relationships, does not just happen by accident in our lives. You might want to start by silencing your inner saboteur. It reminds us that nothing material in this world can satisfy us. Look at your lowest three quadrants and identify a few baby steps to raise them. Say with the psalmist, "The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup" ( Psalm 16:5 ). Physical activity and nutrition are both fundamentally linked to happiness. 5. If you're feeling restless, consider it a warning sign from your soul to take action. But you never reach a point where you can feel at peace. Some of you might think if you don't nobody else will but that's not always the case. An unhappy or loveless marriage is the slow accumulation of annoyances, pain, bitterness, ego, and miscommunication that burdens the romance. And most of us stay stuck in the dissatisfaction of where we are because we don't know what to do with those feelings. These negative feelings take over your thoughts, leading to bitterness and irritability. Your Job Isn't Fun or Rewarding. Here are 6 reasons why you're feeling unfulfilled. Some of us believe that feeling happy is ignorant because of how many issues and problems exist in the world, so unhappiness should be the norm. Then, being unhappy about being unhappy makes them feel even worse, and the feedback loop . Every time I have one of these "episodes" -- although I'm hesitant to even call it that, as they aren't much more than moments in the middle of the night where I am suddenly overwhelmed by sadness and my own thoughts -- I lose touch with reality and am disappointed . Understanding Dissatisfaction can help you harness it as a force for good in your life. Go for looking at the positive half. "As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit.". Hope in God, and don't run after other gods. Engage in volunteer or extracurricular work with an organization. You can invest in yourself by practicing self-love. When one thing goes wrong, it seems to create a domino effect and takes your whole life with it. If you're struggling with feeling hate, it's important to remember that you're not alone. You hold onto the perceived idea of control. Answer (1 of 6): I think it's because you have reached a period of GROWTH in your life. That's like expecting the lion not to eat you because you didn't eat him.". That is the path to joy. 4) Write down the good things that happened to you. Avoid them. 13. Loneliness is not about how many people are or are not in our life. Our lack of taking responsibility leads to following others beliefs and ideas instead of following our own. He has three that he carries around with him everywhere, and the other day he discovered a fourth blanket . When you're constantly reminded that you owe money, you feel bad about yourself and unhappy with life. You have mismatched values. Life is a journey. However, it can cause problems in all areas of life. Focus on what you DO want. The sadness. Look to God and his will for every good gift in your life. You are a valuable human being with desires and dreams and worth just as much as all the other people in the world. Let things go and start growing by making space for those that are new. So, here we have got some questions for you, and based on your preferences, we will tell you the reason . When I come home I just feel so dissatisfied. Over time, it becomes easier to feel numb to many of these signs and accept a lack of meaning in our lives as normal. That is a GooD and Great thing.. because now is when you start trying to do all the things you think you cant or follow your heart and do what you always wanted to doFind your passion your joy and make it hap. Wherever you are in life, remember, more happiness doesn't necessarily mean a better life. Prioritizing emotional healing over simply trying to attract what you don't have, is actually the easier way to change the outside. Focus all of your energy on everything you're doing right, not what you are doing wrong. We enter a season that we may feel like we were born to do, and yet suddenly there is discontentment. Gratitude can go a long way in helping you see that life is not so boring after all. Once you've identified your primary reasons for being unsatisfied with life, consider what you can change. "When you do work you love, it gives you energy. My friends seem to be splitting up cause we are all having different interests. Find the overlap between your skills and interests. You can begin to thrive when you start following steps like these to limit your dissatisfaction. Do what makes you feel alive. If you're burned out or dissatisfied, chances are you are not in the right career . Without meaningful recreation, you are thinking a lot. The Symptoms: You feel ganged up on or left out, or you find yourself arguinga lot. Some people are just incompatible, it can't be helped and if you can't change them or accept them for who they are, simply avoid them at all costs. We do focus, however, on a lot of little negative things and blow them way out of proportion. "Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.". Trust me. Empty-nest syndrome is often felt more acutely by women, who tend to take on the lion's share of family life. 1. I feel so dissatisfied with my life. Most people spend their days dreaming of the future or reflecting back in nostalgia. "Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.". Practice self-compassionbe kind to yourself by softening your judgment and treating yourself like . Not surprising, when we are betraying ourselves on a daily basis. Can't work. The key question that arose for him in our conversation was "Why am I feeling so unsatisfied with my life?". Open yourself up to the pain of this feeling, and see it as a path to opening up your heart. Here are just a handful of things that you can try to alleviate your boredom. And where the greatest emotional and spiritual growth can occur. 4. There is confusion because we have everything we ever wanted and yet feel unhappy. Instead of rejecting it, try opening up to it and accepting it. However, there are some things you can do to try and stop feeling hate. Can't get out of bed or leave the house. Turn towards the feeling, seeing how it feels in your body. Split off. Thinks or talks about suicide. Sometimes you feel pigeonholed in your career and don't have the money to train for a new one. 3. FYI, we promise this isn't another 'quick fix' life hack post. But however hard we try, we are not going to make friends with every single person we meet, and that's ok. I believe it. Happiness is a package deal. you are partly unhappy, because your life is underwhelming. Instead of running from this feeling, stay with it. You still want something you've outgrown. Start at the first installment. I also had dreams of uni.