With SonarQube as a reviewer, you know (almost) immediately whether your code is good enough to merge. Step 3: Analyze the code with SonarQube and fix issues and bugs. The SonarScanner for .NET is the recommended way to launch an analysis for projects using the msbuild or dotnet build tools. Analysis / Command line parameters, defined when launching an analysis (with -D on the command line), override project analysis parameters. 2. Using 1.2 sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-1.2..jar with the .jar added to sonarqube/lib/common/ & sonarqube/extensions/plugins/ inside a bitnami docker image. The data is then displayed in your SonarQube analysis. Test coverage reports are not generated by SonarQube itself. Its version attribute should be set to 1. Skip to content Toggle navigation. It only imports pre-generated reports. analysis begins from jenkins . E.G. Analysis / Command line parameters, defined when launching an analysis (with -D on the command line), override project analysis parameters. ), without the need to manually download, setup, and maintain a SonarQube Runner installation. Enabling branch analysis is as simple as setting an additional property to be passed to the SonarQube server during analysis. Integrations Analysis results right where your code lives. The ability to execute the SonarQube analysis via a regular Gradle task makes it available anywhere Gradle is available (developer build, CI server, etc. Description. Inside a file element, insert a lineToCover for each line which can be covered by unit tests. The theory is that preview mode is what a end user should use for example when using issues report feature. Parameter 'sonar.branch.target' passed to the scanner is no longer supported. Enhance Your Workflow. This step pauses Pipeline execution and wait for previously submitted SonarQube analysis to be completed and returns quality gate status. The data is then displayed in your SonarQube analysis. For example, if you override the sonar.exclusions parameter via command line for a specific project, it will not be stored in the . Parameters to configure project analysis can be set in multiple places. However, what gets analyzed will vary depending on the language: On all languages, "blame" data will automatically be imported from supported SCM providers. If it doesn't work, try using command line runner instead of a TeamCity plugin: Step 1: Download and install SonarQube MSBuild runner from here. Other analysis-parameters and their default values are here. Deprecated analysis parameters. Setting the parameter abortPipeline to true will abort the pipeline if quality gate status is not green. SonarScanner for .NET is distributed as a standalone command-line executable, as an extension for Azure DevOps, and as a plugin for Jenkins. Parameters to configure project analysis can be set in multiple places. But now we need to run the SonarQube analysis twice, with different quality profiles. You should see the files inside the extracted folder. Updated supported versions of SonarQube. See the Branch Analysis documentation for more information on . If your source control needs a VPN or proxy, set them up before running the end command.. I am using the enterprise edition of Sonarqube version 9.1. . If the files to be analyzed are not in the directory where the analysis starts from, use the sonar.projectBaseDir property to move analysis to a different directory. Below, you will find language- and tool-specific analysis parameters for . It can be used in combination with one of the pull request analysis plugin (like GitHub plugin). SonarQube doesn't run your tests or generate reports. Below you'll find language- and tool-specific analysis parameters for importing coverage and execution reports. SonarQube can analyze up to 29 different languages depending on your edition. SonarQube also highlights the complex areas of code that are less covered by unit tests. 1. The login or authentication token of a SonarQube user with Execute Analysis permission on the project. Multi-Language. It contains a lot of rules for the most spread programming languages. 3. Note that only parameters set through the UI are stored in the database. Tip: For the end analysis command, it'll try to fetch blame data from the source control (Git & SVN are pre-configured). Requirements: SonarQube server 6.2+ Code Security. . 8. I am running sonar-scanner with help of sonarqube.yml this code code snippet from there - name: Run sonarqube run: sonar-scanner -Dsonar.scm.provider=git -Dsonar.login=${{ secrets. ERROR a branch analysis cannot have the pull request analysis parameter 'sonar.pullrequest.key' Ask Question Asked 11 months ago. However, what gets analyzed will vary depending on the language: On all languages, "blame" data will automatically be imported from supported SCM providers. For example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@my-oracle-server:1521/my-db. Note that only parameters set through the UI are stored in the database. This should be left . It supports .NET Core on every platform (Windows, macOS . Security Analysis. The root node should be named coverage. Required for data dictionary lookup. SonarQube: ERROR a branch analysis cannot have the pull request analysis parameter 'sonar.pullrequest.key' Hot Network Questions Ice maker stopped working for years, made a bucket of ice, and stopped again . Learn more about SonarQube Analysis Parameters in the official SonarQube documentation. To provide a data dictionary, you must define the following properties in the sonar-project.properties file or on the scanner command line using the -D prefix: Parameter. Now the sonarqube-scanner is configured and ready to run the first project analysis. I have used the sonar.branch.target parameter for branch analysis and now I am getting the warning below. As the name suggests, the first of these tasks is used to . For example, if you override the sonar.exclusions parameter via command line for a specific project, it will not be stored in the . There are other parameters that we can pass to the Maven plugin or even set from the web interface; sonar.host.url, sonar.projectKey, and sonar.sources are mandatory while others are optional. It is the result of a collaboration between SonarSource and Microsoft. analysis mode (preview, publish, increment/issues to set if sqube reports the project to server) how to make sonarqube comment on issues and code in Gitlab; The ONLY thing i can think of is by passing properties in the SonarQube.Analysis.xml but the syntax isn't clear for the sonar. From now on, I will explain the installation for SonarQube 5.3 but you can apply it for the new SonarQube versions. . The outcome of this analysis will be quality measures and issues (instances where coding rules were broken). Part I. SonarQube. Project analysis settings can be configured in multiple places. SonarQube Analysis Parameters. consumes plugins and project configurations; performs analysis and publish the results; When you change anything in the project configuration, you have to perform a new analysis to see the results. They must be generated by an external tool and then imported into SonarQube by specifying a parameter telling the scanner where to look for the report. It means you have to: run the code analysis These tasks can be added as steps in a build definition in exactly the same way as any other tasks. The SonarScanner for Gradle provides an easy way to start SonarQube analysis of a Gradle project. URL of the JDBC connection. SonarQube for MSBuild - End Analysis. If the files to be analyzed are not in the directory where the analysis starts from, use the sonar.projectBaseDir property to move analysis to a different directory. SonarQube is an open-source platform developed by SonarSource for continuous inspection of code quality. Grow as a Developer. Pull Request analysis gives you a clear go/no-go on merging to master. For example, the MSBuild version 15 that comes with Visual Studio 2017 . SonarQube can analyze up to 27 different languages depending on your edition. SonarQube Sonar.exclusions parameter is not working from jenkins and from SonarQube server. . Modified 10 months ago. sonar.password: The password that goes with the sonar.login username. Tip: To run msbuild command from any location, add the path of MSBuild.exe to the system environment variables. E.G. You can have other sonar scanner analysis parameters in configuration file named 'sonar-project.properties' inside root directory of your project repo. Clean as You Code. Project analysis parameters, defined in a project analysis configuration file or an analyzer configuration file, override the ones defined in the UI . Let's see how SonarQube works by running a project test using the example provided. In the Guides category of the SonarSource Community forum you might find instructions on generating these reports. Insert a file element for each file which can be covered by tests. Benefits SonarQube empowers all developers to write cleaner and safer code. External credential management support has been added. The outcome of this analysis will be quality measures and issues (instances where coding rules were broken). Here is the hierarchy of parameters: Global analysis parameters, defined in the UI, apply to all the projects (From the top bar, go to Administration > Configuration > General Settings) Project analysis parameters, defined in the UI, override global parameters (At a project . properties. Which, now that I realize it, could be the issue, although I'm not sure how it would make a difference. SonarQube is an automatic code review tool to detect bugs, vulnerabilities and code smells in your code. sonar.branch.name. The goal is to run an analysis without publishing results. Since you can't easily change the project key from Maven, we use SonarQube's branch property to differentiate the SonarQube projects, like this (again from pom.xml): Alternate Analysis Directory. Here is the hierarchy: Global properties, defined in the UI, apply to all projects (From the top bar, go to Administration > Configuration > General Settings) Project properties, defined in the UI, override global property values (At a project level, go to . The parameter "Project version" in "Get Last SonarQube Metrics" procedure is optional now. Viewed . The plugin now supports SonarQube server versions from 6.7 to 8.5. Note: This step doesn't require an executor. Unzip SonarQube-x.x.zip on to a folder, for example, use C:\SonarQube\SonarQube-5.3.