The Corydoras Catfish, or Cory Cat, is an excellent addition to most community tanks because of their peaceful nature. The best tank mates for Sterbai Corydoras are Tetras, Swordtail, Cory Fishes, Gourami, Minnow Fish, Guppies, etc Sterbai Cory Feeding In nature, Sterbai Corydoras eat worms, plants, and small crustaceans. They even get along with betta fish! While they spend a lot of time on the bottom of the tank, Pygmy Corys like to occupy the middle of the water column most. Heathmont, VIC. What We Like About This Fish: Striking dappled pattern on the whole body They also tend to be unaggressive fish than a standard gourami fish which usually more aggressive to their tank mates. They appreciate some mild current. Being a small catfish, Sterbai Corydoras can be kept in smaller aquariums however the minimum would be around 60 liters (20 gallons). Suitable Tank Mates for Corydoras Sterbai. There is a slight chance that the corydoras are going to eat a baby shrimp or two, but your shrimp population will increase. Using guanidine hydrochloride as a denaturant, a total of 420 database peptide matches were These fish are part of the ever-popular Cory catfish family PH RANGE : 7.0 - 7.8 TEMPERATURE RANGE : 22 C - 26C TANK MATES & COMPATIBILITY:- Sterbai Corydoras are an excellent addition to the mix. Decorate the aquarium with some plants, driftwood and a fine sandy substrate in which they can dig without damaging their beard threads. Tank Recommendations for your Sterbai Corydoras. 3cm about 6 months old. . Tank has been stable and no livestock changes for over 6 months . These are Corydoras pygmeaus and Corydoras hastatus. Haplochromis Scientific name: Corydoras panda Also known as: Panda Catfish, Panda Corydoras Adult size: 2 inches (5 cm) Lifespan: 10+ years Minimum tank size: 10 gallon pH: 6.0-7.0 Hardness: 2-12 degrees dGH Temperature: 68-77 degrees F (20-25 degrees C) Tankmates: Peaceful, compatible with all species, keep in schools Panda Corys are highly social and should always be kept in schools . By Stella, 25 minutes ago in . Panda Corydoras. Very healthy and great tank mates with any other fish best kept in groups of 4 or more pepper catfish in the photos are fully grown and at 5 to 6 cm for size reference. Delicate (hardness as much as 12 dB) acidic to very barely primary (pH to 7.2) water, temperature 22-26C/72-79F however not hotter is suitable for Corydoras punctatus, or cory catfish. Cory Catfish tank mates can also include filter feeding shrimp such as Bamboo Shrimp and fan feeding shrimp like Vampire Shrimp. Cory Catfish tank mates include most community tank fish as long as they are non-aggressive and friendly in nature. SGD 0.80 . Sterbai Cory Sterba's corydoras is a member of the South American Corydoras genus of freshwater aquarium . Identification. Attains 2 inches. The only kinds of fish you should avoid are aggressive fish and large bottom-dwellers. Install a hang-on aquarium heater to maintain a temperature between 70F and 75F (21C to 24C). The mouths of tank mates should be smaller than an inch. If you insist on going for sterbai, then 10 is really the minimum and the maximum that I recommend for your tank. Maybe also a small species like C. julii/ C. trilineatus. Origin South America: central Brazil and Bolivia. [7] Corydoras will do well with tank mates including mollies, fancy guppies, platies, swordtails, neon tetras, angelfish, danios, and gouramis. If you cannot find live food, frozen food is also great. In this video, I give 7 important tips to successfully keep corydoras catfish! They are a great choice for a peaceful community setup with other similarly sized tropical fish. Leave the bottom of the breeding tank bare and decorate sparingly with large rocks and broad-leafed plants. Schools of 6+ 3. The Sterbai Corydoras grow about 2-3 inches in size, which is pretty small for a classic Catfish, yet that is something that makes it more home-aquarium friendly. Sand or fine gravel substrate 2. Add an air stone and an air pump to facilitate water flow. Corydoras are social fish and prefer to be kept in groups of 5 or more. Corydoras sterbai. Corydoras catfish. Here are some excellent Sterbai Cory tank mates worth considering: Betta Fish Rainbow shine.. SGD . Sterba's Cory, Sterbai Cory. Corydoras sterbai requires an aquarium with a length of at least 80 centimeters. Corydoras Catfish And Bettas As Tank Mates If you're going to keep corydoras catfish and bettas together, then you need to make sure your betta won't be aggressive. Although all Corydoras varieties would be a good discus tank mates temperament-wise, we like Sterba's Corydoras (~) because it's a relatively large species that tolerates higher temperatures. Taxonomic Troubles: This is the original name. These catfishes are a bottom inhabitant and grow in the length of no more than 7.5 cm, while females are slightly larger than males. There is a slight chance that the corydoras are going to eat a baby shrimp or two, but your shrimp population will increase. Minimal Tank Suggestion. All of those should behave as C. sterbai and most grow to 50-55 mm SL. But does this go for any shrimp and any corydoras species? . Most of . The most popular varieties in the pet trade include the bronze cory and albino cory (Corydoras aeneus), panda cory (Corydoras panda), emerald green cory (Corydoras splendens), and pygmy cory (Corydoras pygmaeus). Sterbai Corydoras. These fish do best when they are in a group of at least 4 to 6. The Sterbai Corydoras (Corydoras Sterbai) is also commonly called the Sterbai Cory. The Aquarium. I'm trying to determine if I want to redo the tank. Often their habitats have swift flowing water with few plants. Size: 6.8 cm SL (2.7 inches). Corydoras punctatus, or cory catfish Measurement. Corydoras and shrimp are great tank mates. Didn't plan on breeding them. They can be added to any community fish tank because of their peaceful nature. Condition your fish. Leave the bottom of the water column for your Sterbai Cory fish to enjoy. in language. It is hard to misidentify this species but it can be confused with Corydoras haraldschultzi, although the latter is a long nosed species where C. sterbai is the dome headed form - the easiest way to tell them apart is that the Sterba's Cory has . Panda Cory. Otocinclus Catfish, Tetras, Swordtails and of course other Corys can be a good fit. If you know that your betta has an aggressive temperament there's no fish that can live with him. Provide them with vegetable matter in the form of sinking pellets or even spirulina pellets, they will also readily accept meaty foods such as blood worms or brine shrimp. These small gourami fish are peaceful and can be kept with other tropical fish with similar characteristics. Sexual Dimorphism Like most corys, it's easily sexed when viewed from above. Corydoras is a genus that shows sexual dimorphism, so they show visual differences between sexes. Scientific Name: Corydoras sterbai Common Name: Sterba's Cory Adult Size: 3 inches Life Expectancy: 3 to 4 years Habitat: Bolivia and Brazil Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons Ideal Tank Conditions: Temperature Range: 70-77 F pH Range: 6.0 to 7.6 Hardness Range: 1 to 15 Temperament: Peaceful It is found naturally in a wide range of pH and hardness. Bottom dwellers, they are content to constantly rummage around the bottom of the tank looking for scraps. Among Corydoras, Paleatus is one of the most popular species, which is often chosen for an aquarium. 4. ****For local Singapore sales ONLY. How big do Sterbai corys get? If spawning takes place in a breeding tank, the adults can be moved back to the main tank and the eggs left in the breeder tank to hatch . Keep them in with similarly size peaceful species and keep them in groups of 5 or more. Sexing Conditioning is fairly simple. Feeding is not a problem as they take prepared staple food along with supplements of live and frozen food. Although Corydoras are not large fish, they do like a bit of swimming space so a 60cm (two foot) tank should be a minimum size. The name of the fish comes from three Latin words: "Cory" - a helmet; "Doras" - skin; But this little guy is swimming around and I don't see any eggs or others. For a standard 3 ft tank like yours, I would look at C. panda, C. triliniatus and C. julii, C. weitzmani, C. duplicareus, C. venezuelanus, C. rabauti, C. eques, etc. Also, neon and Serpae Tetras like the same conditions. They are great tank mates for most community aquariums and are often kept with discus because of their tolerance for higher temperatures. They get to around 6.4cm (2.5") and in a 57-76 Litres (15-20 US G.) only 3-4 should be kept. Their Yes, they can! ~, which is referred to as Sterba's Cory, Sterbai Cory, or Sterba's Corydoras, is a peaceful, bottom-dwelling member of the armoured catfish group. Sterbai Corys can be kept with the more aggressive Betta fish, since these fish will not get in their way, or challenge them for food or space. Basically the high protein foods made for Discus are far too protein rich for Corys, and will eventually cause problems. Sterbai Cory (Corydoras sterbai) A small cory fish that does well in shrimp tanks. Cardinal tetras are beautiful and fun to watch. Corydoras do not bother other fish, so small or delicate species will also make good tank mates. After some thoughts on exactly what is going on with my newest additions to the tank. Fish that are compatible as tank mates for Julii Cory include many species of Tetras, Zebra Danio, Swordtails, Apistogramma Ramirezi, Betta fish, Amano Shrimp, Angelfish, and other Corydoras species. The only exceptions to this are large species, as Pygmy Cory is small so could easily fit in a bigger fish's mouth. There are currently over 180 described species of Corydoras (commonly shortened to "cory"), making it one of the most speciose of all South American fish genera.There are also loads of undescribed species, many of which have been assigned a "C number" for identification purposes.This is a very simple system of numbering and is similar to the L number scheme used to . Sick Sterbai Corydoras Watch our video on the rules of this forum. This species is capable of using its intestines to take up oxygen! The Sterbai Cory (also called Sterba's Cory) is an easy-going freshwater bottom-dweller with unique looks and a quirky personality. Once they are in their separate aquarium, it is time to condition them. Sterbai Corydora sudden death. Corydoras sterbai All samples in this study were proteolyzed using a mixture of Trypsin and Lys-C, fractionated, and run through nanoLC-MS/MS analysis using an Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid mass spectrometer. Corydoras julii is a perfect match for most small-sized catfish and other fish kinds. (2021). Always try to maintain Corydoras in groups as they're far more confident and active in the presence of conspecifics. Halfbeak . C. sterbai, would be a good choice regarding temperature, but the one problem that can occur is with the diet. Avoid keeping corydoras with species like cichlids and barbs. They eat all the left up food which is good for aquarium. Sand base as always wanted/kept corys. They are peaceful, relatively easy to care for, and go perfectly in a tank with cory catfish. The Sterbai Cory or Corydoras Sterbai is a member of the Corydoras catfish family. Re: Corydorus.Sterbai in Discus tank. The Corydoras are more active in the evening as their tank mates are slowing down so this is the ideal time to give them a feed. . The species is often misspelled sterbae. A fish that looks a lot like the cardinal tetra and is, in fact, another member of the tetra family, neon is an ideal tank mate for the Serpae Tetra. In the aquarium you may replicate this with a strong filter and standard 3mm or 6mm gold gravel, some live plants and a few rocks or driftwood. Largest variety of Plecos, Corys & Bottom Dwellers | Livestock | Corydoras Sterbai is a Small size,Low care level,Peaceful temperament,Low PH fish cory,smallcommunityfish,bottomfeeder,spotted,black,beige . Species Information. [8] 2 Make sure you have enough room. pH Range: 5 to 7.5. We have four Pandas, a snail problem and a clown pleco- and only have dwarf hairgrass/Anubias coffeefolia in the tank. . Water parameters Of course there are some differences, especially when it comes to size. Sexing When properly conditioned, the difference between the male and female Corydoras is usually quite evident. 1 month ago another cory developed a patch.The first two,have developed finrot and sometimes they scratch on the substrate. Ancistrus They also don't do well with aggressive fish, so you'll want to keep them in a tank that only has other peaceful species. Currently have a 40 breeder with a hang on back filter that produces moderate water movement along with live plants, a few medium sized river rocks (three form a cave), and some drift wood. Sterbai Cory Tank Mates The most compatible tank mates for the Sterbai Cory are other Sterbai Corys. If tank mates are peaceful too, there should not be any compatibility problems.